Christmas Gift Giving Tradition

Free Patterns People today believe that the custom of giving presents at Christmas comes from the Bible story about Three Wise Men who brought their gifts, Frankincense, Gold and Myrrh, to the baby Jesus.

Rural Americans made pieces of needlework, wooden toys, decorated household items to give to family members. The gifts were often placed in socks hanged by the fireplace and also under the Christmas tree.

A legend exists which explains where the tradition of filling socks with presents came from. The legend is as follow: There was a poor widower who had three daughters. The daughters did not have a chance to marry because their father could not provide them with dowry. Saint Nicolas overheard villagers talking about their need. He wanted to help the girls. On Christmas Eve, Saint Nicolas slid down the chimney and filled the girl’s socks which were put near the fire to dry with gold nuggets. The poor girls were very happy when they found the bounty in the morning.

Days are getting shorter as winter approaches. Store owners take out sparkling Christmas decorations and garlands. The holiday spirit is in the air. Inspired by Christmas I have created a couple of holiday patterns which can be downloaded for free.

Discuss the free patterns here!

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